News & Events

Find out more about dates & events, the progress of our vaccine research and all the other interesting news on the topic.


11 July 2023

Verovaccines enters company growth phase

  • Vaccine developer completes the validation of its vaccine and manufacturing platforms.
  • Company to focus now on development to bring new vaccines to market quickly. Another swine vaccine enters pipeline.

14 December 2022

EU fördert Mitarbeiterweiterbildung

Auch im Jahr 2022 wurde die Weiterentwicklung der VEROVACCiNES GmbH vorangetrieben. Mit Hilfe einer Förderung der beruflichen Weiterbildung von Beschäftigten in Unternehmen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) konnten mehrere Mitarbeiter in den Bereichen „Good Manufacturing Practice“ und „Good Laboratory Practice“ weitergebildet werden. Mit diesen Maßnahmen wird das Qualitätsniveau weiter gehoben.

12 October 2022

Verovaccines paves way for manufacturing its vaccines

  • Verovaccines upscales manufacturing processes of its yeast-based vaccines to industrial scale
  • This is an important milestone on the road to commercialization of this novel vaccine class

24 March 2022

VEROVACCiNES is now using a twin fermenter – many thanks to INFORS HT

The new twin-fermenter will enable us to boost the number of fermentation runs in order to

  • speed up optimization of manufacturing (upstream processing)
  • generate quality data for our K. lactis yeast system (run-to-run consistency: biomass yield, antigen content, process reliability…)
  • produce vaccine material for efficacy and safety trials under highly controlled conditions

17 February 2022

VEROVACCiNES establishes Advisory Board and fills key position

  • Verovaccines establishes advisory board with internationally experienced members from the vaccine world
  • Ulrike Diesterbeck, DVM takes over the position of Head of Development
  • The aim is to accelerate in-house vaccine development and bring new animal vaccines to market faster

14 October 2021

VEROVACCiNES closes Series B financing with consortium of investors from Germany and Switzerland

  • Vaccine specialist closes Mid-Seven-Figure Series B Financing Round
  • Shareholder group expanded by four new investors with important expertise
  • The fresh funding will be used to drive several vaccine programs into regulatory development

21 August 2021

Verovaccines promotes the expertise of its Quality Assurance (Q/A) staff through continuing education/training

This is supported e.g. by the European structural and investment funds.

This allowed one employee to successfully attend a course on GMP auditing, which strengthens us in view of the upcoming production of our vaccines on an industrial scale under GMP conditions.

4 March 2021

Verovaccines Achieves Full Protection of Target Animals Against Viral Challenge in its 4th Animal Vaccine Program

  • Validation of novel, cost-effective, multi-valent animal vaccines with high safety and efficacy
  • Results extend usability of the Company’s platform in the poultry sector
  • Progeny fully protected against viral infection

30 November 2020

Eligibility of investor investments under the BMWi’s INVEST programm

Verovaccines GmbH receives BAFA certification that it meets all the requirements for eligible investor participation. This means that investors can benefit from an acquisition grant and an exit grant when investing in the company.

11 February 2020

Vaccine developer Verovaccines concludes further pharmaceutical cooperation

  • Verovaccines GmbH concludes the second cooperation with an internationally operating veterinary pharmaceutical company
  • The cooperation aims at the joint development of a veterinary vaccine based on the proprietary technology platform

3 December 2019

Verovaccines concludes international pharma cooperation agreement

  • Verovaccines enters into first collaboration with a Japanese pharmaceutical company to jointly develop a veterinary vaccine
  • The goal is to develop and commercialize novel, cost-effective vaccines with high safety and efficacy for animal health
  • The company was financed for the seed phase by High-Tech Gruenderfonds, Business Angels and the founders as well as a seven-figure GO-Bio grant

1 June 2019

Film about the Verovaccines funding project

This documentation (audio in German) by the German GO-Bio funding program ( gives a short introduction to yeast-based vaccines for animal health. GO-Bio is a life sciences-oriented funding initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany.

17 July 2018

Moving to a new facility

VEROVACCiNES GmbH recently moved to a new facility on the Technology Center/Weinberg Campus in Halle (Saale), Germany. The 400 square meter facility provides state of the art laboratories for molecularbiology applications (biochemistry, microbial fermentation, recombinant technology and tissue culture). The labs provide significantly more space for the company. This will allow further growth and the development of yeast-based subunit marker vaccines in a faster and more effective way.

17 April 2018

3.1 million euro public funding granted to VEROVACCiNES GmbH for animal vaccine development.

VEROVACCiNES GmbH has been awarded 3.1 million euro research funding from the highly competitive funding program GO-Bio (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) for a 3 year period. “This support will take the development of our yeast-based vaccines a significant step forward. We expect to fully validate our novel technology to generate multivalent vaccines and to further develop the according vaccine candidates.” adds Prof. Dr. Sven-Erik Behrens, CSO of VEROVACCiNES GmbH.

17 July 2017

VEROVACCiNES GmbH founded in Halle (Saale), Germany.

VEROVACCiNES GmbH is a successful spin-off from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. The co-founders Dr. Hanjo Hennemann and Prof. Dr. Sven-Erik Behrens entered the management of the company as managing directors. “We are very pleased to get the company started. After achieving a positive votum for our funding application in the federal BMBF GO-Bio-funding program, making VEROVACCiNES eligible for 3.1 m euros funding, it made sense to get the company off the ground. We plan to close the financing round soon and to continue the development of our vaccine programs.” Dr. Hanjo Hennemann said.

14 April 2017

Fourth vaccine program (bovine viral diarrhea) validated in initial proof of concept study

VEROVACCiNES successfully completed trials in its bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) program. “This proof of concept study indicates efficacy of our vaccine candidate in the target animal, though the obtained data require statistical coverage”, Prof. Sven-Erik Behrens said. After having achieved full protection with proprietary subunit marker vaccines in its infectious bursitis-, influenza- and an undisclosed swine program, data from this fourth program strengthen the validation basis further and extends the applicability of VEROVACCiNES technology.

22 February 2017

VEROVACCiNES selected as Emerging Company at ANIMAL HEALTH INVESTMENT Europe, London UK conference 2017.

The selection committee of the conference ANIMAL HEALTH INVESTMENT Europe, London UK, selected the startup project VEROVACCiNES as one of 12 presenting emerging companies. VEROVACCiNES is the only “yet to be founded” participant.
This conference is dedicated to showcasing to investors the most innovative emerging animal health companies covering the companion, aquaculture and production animal space.


22 April 2024


We will attend the IPVS and ESPHM Congress in Leipzig. Meeting new people, expanding our network and creating new interactions will be our focus. Dr Hanjo Hennemann will give a talk about “An innovative subunit vaccine platform for livestock, validated in pigs and other species”. We are looking forward to see you!

12 January 2024

2024, March 04. – 06. Animal Health Innovation Europe, London

It is THE summit for animal health in Europe, and once again we cannot miss it.

We look forward to interesting discussions in March! See you there.

10 January 2024

2024, February 06. – 08. DIAH Conference, Gent

As developers with new innovations, our aim is to exchange ideas with other players in this field and expand our knowledge. For this reason, we will be attending the conference in Belgium for the first time in 2024. We are excited.

03 January 2024

2024, January 18. – 20. LEIPZIG VETERINARY CONGRESS 2024, Germany

The Leipzig Veterinary Congress is the largest continuing education event for veterinarians in the German-speaking world and one of the leading specialist platforms in Europe. It is clear that our practising vets can be found at this congress on these days.

28 November 2023

2023, December 12. – 14. BioFit Marseille

Did you know that Marseille is one of the best innovation centres for biotechnology in Europe?

That’s why BioFit takes place in this beautiful port city this year, where Dr Hanjo Hennemann will also be present as a speaker.

07 January 2023

2023, March 06. – 08. Animal Health Innovation Europe, London

Animal Health, Nutrition and Technology Innovation Europe is the sector’s premier innovation summit, showcasing the most exciting emerging companies and connecting them with investors and strategic partners. And we will be there again!

12 October 2022

Animal AgTech Innovation Summit 2022, Amsterdam

We will be attending the summit also this year. We are excited to discuss new innovations, collaborations and partnerships with you. Come and reach out to us.

11 October 2022

World Vaccine Congress in Barcelona

Dr. Hanjo Hennemann will present Verovaccines subunit vaccine platform in the workshop “Platform Technologies”. The workshop will highlight different vaccine technologies (BioNTech, Curevac, ZAPI, CEPI, Verovaccines) and feedback from the regulatory perspective (EMA-TBC, Paul-Ehrlich-Institute). Meet us at the conference!

07 September 2022

11th Leipzig Veterinary Congress 2022

We will be attending this year’s Leipzig Veterinary Congress. We are looking forward to an update on the needs in the animal health field, extending the professional network and learning about new applications of our vaccine technology.

22 January 2022

2022, Feb 22. – 23.: Animal Health Innovation Europe

A planned face-to-face conference will take place in London on 22-23 February 2022.

We look forward to meeting our business partners in person again.

19 September 2021

2021, Oct 19. – 20.: Animal AgTech Innovation Summit

The Animal AgTech Innovation Summit will take place for the third time on 19 and 20 October and we were there from the very beginning. Of course, we won’t miss it this time either. We look forward to seeing you there – even if digitally again.

21 July 2021

2021, Aug 18. – 19.: Animal Health Innovation Latin America

In addition to Animal Health Innovation in Europe, we are also expanding our view to Latin America. We are excited to see what awaits us there.

8 March 2021

Animal AgTech Innovation Summit

Everything becomes virtual! Also at this summit, we are there for you online and would like to get in contact with you in the area of animal health.

9 February 2021

2021, Feb 9-12: EuroTier digital

EuroTier in Hannover is the world’s largest trade fair for animal husbandry and management. We look forward to meeting you online and talking about new products and innovations.

15 December 2020

Animal Health Innovation Conference

The Animal Health Innovation Europe (22-23 Feb 2021) is an international conference to network with innovators in animal health and nutrition and connecting those businesses with financial investors and strategic corporate partners.

Meet us there!

12 October 2020

2020, Nov 12-14: 98th and 99th Symposium on Poultry Diseases, online

Prof. Dr. Sven-Eik Behrens, Managing Director of Verovaccines GmbH, will give a presentation on successful subunit vaccination with a new yeast-based vaccination concept at the DVG-organised expert meeting on poultry diseases on 13 November 2020.

20 September 2020

2020, Oct 20-21: PDA Europe Virtual Conference – Aseptic Animal Health, online

At the PDA Europe Virtual Conference – Aseptic Animal Health, Dr. Hanjo Hennemann, managing director of Verovaccines GmbH, gives an invited talk about K. lactis-based subunit vaccines. He explains technology and validation of this novel vaccine class in animal health.

The Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is a non-profit organization, committed to developing scientifically sound, practical technical information and expertise to advance pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical manufacturing science and regulation.

15 December 2019

2020, Jan 15: Animal Health Investment Europe, London

Animal Health Investment Europe (24-26 February, 2020) is an investment forum showcasing the investment opportunities in animal health and nutritional health, and connecting those businesses with financial investors and strategic corporate partners from 38 countries worldwide.
Meet us there!

1 September 2019

2019, Oct. 1-2: Animal AgTech Innovation Summit, Amsterdam

The Animal AgTech Innovation Summit will gather leaders of international agribusinesses, livestock producers, animal health and feed companies with technology providers, entrepreneurs and investors – Meet us there!

24 March 2019

2019, June 24-26: VetHealth Global 2019, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Biannual conference to explore market trends, global regulatory issues, and innovative developments related to companion and food animal health and nutrition.

26 January 2019

2019, Feb. 26-27: Animal Health Investment Europe 2019

Come and see us at the conference Animal Health Investment Europe 2019, London.

29 September 2018

2018, Oct. 29-31: VEROVACCiNES GmbH to present at the 18th Annual World Vaccine Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.

The current status of VEROVACCiNES multivalent subunit marker vaccine development will be presented by CEO Dr. Hanjo Hennemann at the 18th Annual World Vaccine Congress, Lisbon Portugal from 29-31 October 2018.
The World Veterinary Vaccine Congress brings animal health industry experts from the whole value chain under one roof to discuss scientific, regulatory and commercial issues from new innovative vaccine technologies to emerging disease.
Come and see us!

12 March 2017

2017, June 12-14: VEROVACCiNES presents as selected emerging company at VETHEALTH GLOBAL 2017

The selection committee of the VETHEALTH GLOBAL 2017 conference (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada) selected VEROVACCiNES as emerging company to present at the Innovation Spotlight Series. The biennial conference, hosted by the PEI BioAlliance, is a gathering place for international industry leaders to discuss emerging market trends, global regulatory issues, and innovative developments in companion and food animal health and nutrition.

22 January 2017

2017, Feb. 22-23: VEROVACCiNES selected as Emerging Company at ANIMAL HEALTH INVESTMENT Europe, London UK conference 2017.

The selection committee of the conference ANIMAL HEALTH INVESTMENT Europe, London UK, selected the startup project VEROVACCiNES as one of 12 presenting emerging companies. VEROVACCiNES is the only “yet to be founded” participant.
This conference is dedicated to showcasing to investors the most innovative emerging animal health companies covering the companion, aquaculture and production animal space.